“Pop-up” desk

“Pop-up” desk

“Pop-Up” desk Pop-up is a desk but which kind of desk? It can be opened as a laptop. It sleeps when you close it. It stores your folders. The mailbox receives even if it’s close. In order that your desk is not only the desktop of your computer… Design...
“Outside-Inside” seat

“Outside-Inside” seat

“Outside-Inside” seat Outside-inside is a seat referring to the tree leaves moving a windy day. Made for domestic universe, the seat spreads and gathers like a heap of leaves facing a gust of wind. Nomad object, its use is individual when it is grouped,...

The design studio

Emilie Cazin’ Design Studio Her design studio offers a global approach : objects and furniture for individuals and professionals, scenographies and immersive devices for the museums, linked branding identites … Emilie Cazin offers to her clients a panel of...
The Madonna

The Madonna

The Madonna La Madonne is made for urban public space. It enables citizens to be sitting down close to the sapling as educating them. This urban furniture is both a seat and garden stake establishing a proximity and an enhancement of the sapling. As being sitting next...
Girondine chair

Girondine chair

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