Emilie Cazin’ Design Studio

Her design studio offers a global approach : objects and furniture for individuals and professionals, scenographies and immersive devices for the museums, linked branding identites … Emilie Cazin offers to her clients a panel of skills (object, furniture, space and scenography, graphic design) as well as those of multidisciplinary staff (craftsmen, architects …) for an adapted answer listening to their needs.

Whatever the scale of the project, she makes a point of honour to place the user at the center of its proposals for design improvements, furniture, object or custom scenography design closest to the expressed need because each application is unique.

Growing up in a woodworkshop, it is naturally that she designs objects and furniture valuing solid wood, but more broadly artisanal ancestral know-how by linking them to innovative production materials or techniques. (CAD, CNC machining – CNC, …)

Her technical skills also allow her to have an efficient view of the implementation of various devices designed adapting the esthetism to artisanal or industrial production technics.

Her values

Ambassador of expertise and French excellence, natural materials and quality of work, Emilie Cazin is focused on understanding the technic of production of the artisans with whom she works. Subtlety design and production optimization, saving time and material … for a “right” design.
“I often think an object starting with an ancestral know-how, technic of production … But soon comes the workshop. Then it engages a work for four hands for prototyping, mixed of inputs, dialogue and respect between craft and design … Make with four hands is a way to understand a lot! “.

Spaces and scenographies are designed in the same way: it tells a story, drive the visitor elsewhere to give him an experience … because the user, whether in space or for a furniture, should stay the focus of the attention.
Her objects and furnitures are designed in a logic of eco-design and sustainable development valuing expertise, quality of materials and French manufacture.

Her career

Emilie Cazin is global designer. She began her design studies at the University of Toulouse, and then continued her studies in Strasbourg at the “Arts Décoratifs” School (HEAR : College of Design) where she discovered an other methodological approach of work. She graduated in 2008 with a Master Design (DNSEP) with the honours of the jury, her essay and collection of objects she designs are a reflection on the relationship between man and nature in urban areas .

At the end of her studies, she starts as an assistant alongside Frédéric Ruyant before continuing his career with Vlaemsch (), brand producing furnitures and objects in Flemish Belgium. Her ambition was to have an overview of the business, from design to marketing and sale, from the workshop to production before launching as an independent designer.

In 2009, the design studio opened in Toulouse.

Since 2012, she taught as the same time as her work of independent designer in Design Department of the University of Toulouse to Master degree students

Exhibitions & Awards

Her projects gave her the opportunity to travel !
To Brussels for Auction Sale “Art Décoratif and Design” of the 17th of June 2009 at Pierre Bergé & Associés
To Eindhoven for “Design Talent Eindhoven”
To Milan for “Imaginature” in Post Design Gallery
To Paris for “Hybrid” trends pole of François Bernard during Maison&Objet
To Lorentzen in the Vosges : Winner of “Bois Design Chataignier” – prototyping stage


Product and furniture Design

Object and furniture design is a way for me to connect the world of crafts with design around ancestral and qualitative knowledges, working the material with emotion between tradition and innovation.

Space and Exhibition Design, scenography

Space design is an immersive design pushing the user in the center of a temporality. The scale allows a reflection on the project in its globalityarchitecture, furniture, objects and, depending on the context, graphics and signage. A way of conceiving the design and user experience in its entirety. (Wandering, ways of living, visitors journey )

Graphic Design

Graphic design thought for companies, museums, institutions … serves an overall coherent communication. By a corporate identitya poster campaign, logo, visual graphism, signage … the graphic design highlights a message, a brand image consistent with the identity of the company or the space where it takes place.

Her Clients and partners

Her design studio has already given its expertise to museums, companies and architectural firms :

Museums and Culture centers:
Saint-Raymond Archeologic museum of Toulouse ; France (scenography / Museography)
Archéosite des Fieux (Prehistoric site – South of France)
Tourist Office of Rocamadour (France)
Acropolis Museum of Athens (3D scanning)
Philippe Starck (prototyping / Project prototyping)
Ima Solutions
Brio on behalf of Orange / Sony / Casino / Chacok / Guy Degrenne / Carac (Merchandising and Retail Design)
Telegrafik (product design)
AnatomikModeling (Branding and corporate identity)
CitizenFarm (Branding and corporate identity)
Support agencies: (Innovation by Design Thinking methodology)
Les Imaginations Fertiles
Individuals: developments of apartments and houses in Toulouse area and its surroundings

Last news

Emilie Cazin - Designer

1 week 3 days ago

Venez nous retrouver ce weekend 12 & 13 octobre au festival Toulouse Innovante et Durable ! 10h-18h / place du Capitole L'occasion de découvrir nos

Emilie Cazin - Designer is with Bleu Comète .

1 week 3 days ago

12 & 13 octobre : Toulouse Innovante et Durable
Place du Capitole à Toulouse

Emilie Cazin - Designer is at Krys Toulouse Baragnon.

1 month 5 days ago

@francedesignweek : @magalibergondesign et @bleu.comete ont le plaisir de présenter leur vitrine « Terres d’ici » chez @krysbaragnon (place Rouaix) Une occasion de plus d’affirmer l’une comme

Emilie Cazin - Designer is at Les Halles de la Cartoucherie.

1 month 1 week ago

Trois évènements pour moi en septembre lors de la #francedesignweek Le premier : Je serai speaker à la conférence d'inauguration de FDW en #occitanie organisée

Emilie Cazin - Designer

5 months 2 weeks ago

Portraits de ma maison d’édition Bleu Comète
Abonnez vous pour suivre notre actualité!

Emilie Cazin - Designer

5 months 2 weeks ago

Coulisses d’un fabrication hors du commun Collection Argela Edition Bleu Comète Collaboration avec Emilie Dechaud Création Fabrication Briqueterie fabricant terre cuite et crue proximité toulouse

Emilie Cazin - Designer is in Auzeville-Tolosane, Midi-Pyrenees, France.

10 months 3 weeks ago

Vendredi 1er décembre
Venez nous retrouver au marché de Noël d'Auzeville-Tolosane

Emilie Cazin - Designer is in Toulouse.

1 year 1 month ago

Phallus et Impudicus Sculptures en grès chamotté créées dans le cadre du workshop « détournement de moules en plâtre » chez @terres__meres avec @studio.pirouette @caroline_auricoste_ceramique @ab2.architecture Caroline

Emilie Cazin - Designer

1 year 1 month ago

Détail 2 : goulot d’un vase fait par détournement de moules de @terres__meres Grès maïs et grès noir 2023 #design #artisanat #ceramique #gres #vase #arty

Emilie Cazin - Designer is at Place Arnaud-Bernard.

1 year 1 month ago

Détail des deux céramiques créées dans le cadre du workshop avec @terres__meres avec @caroline_auricoste_ceramique @studio.pirouette Caroline Remaury et Colette Bello - à découvrir au @lesilo.lemagasin

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