“Outside-Inside” seat

“Outside-Inside” seat

“Outside-Inside” seat Outside-inside is a seat referring to the tree leaves moving a windy day. Made for domestic universe, the seat spreads and gathers like a heap of leaves facing a gust of wind. Nomad object, its use is individual when it is grouped,...

The design studio

Emilie Cazin’ Design Studio Her design studio offers a global approach : objects and furniture for individuals and professionals, scenographies and immersive devices for the museums, linked branding identites … Emilie Cazin offers to her clients a panel of...

“Matière première” desktop accessories

Desk accessories “Matière Première” – Pyrène Chesnut tree3 logs of 26 x 4 cm(diam.) This desk set referring to stacks of forestry in the Pyrenees is composed of three logs: a card holder (2 slots), a pencil box, a magnet log for paper clips and other...
Girondine chair

Girondine chair

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Table garden

Table garden

Table garden Spring Feast – Le Banquet is a collaboration with Chris Kabel and Wieki Somers.The aim : recreate a banquet table with ceramic. One challenge : beyond dress the table, be able to eat in and thanks to the projects. Jardin de table is an other way to bring...